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John Wick Week - Part 3

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By: Isaac P. Ale
March 24, 2023

Keanu Reeves and Halle Berry in John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum [2019]


If you're just joining us now be sure to catch up with our review of John Wick and our review of John Wick: Chapter 2 before we jump in John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum!

Here we are again! Another John Wick film, another review. I'll cut all the fluff here and get to the meat. John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum is the best one yet.

Hands down.

Reeling after being excommunicated and with a contract on his head for $14 million, we see our titular star John Wick (Keanu Reeves) fighting off multiple early attempts on his life. The first being Ernest played by Boban Marjanović which is downright hilarious, yet also wildly intimidating given his size. The immediate fights in the film quickly suck you back in to the wild world of action like you never left, with some really cool shots in the knife fight sequence. Following some back and forth action John Wick actually surfaces his roots as an orphan of Belarus and his real name being Jardani Jovonovich while he's asking the Director (Anjelica Huston) for safe passage.

This was a really neat addition to the mysterious background of John Wick by writers Derek Kolstad, Shay Hatten, and Chris Collins which also spawned the upcoming spin-off film Ballerina. The expansion of this prior history of John also relates to him getting safe passage to the Continental in Morocco where he meets Sofia (Halle Berry). An old friend and associate, Sofia ends up owing John the other end of a marker and John's favor is to be brought to the Elder, a person above the mythical High Table. Believed that this Elder can course correct his excommunication John makes his way to meet him where the Elder demands John kill Winston (Ian McShane) in order to be reinstated. Once John refuses, the war between the High Table and the Continental begins, gift wrapping the final 40ish minutes of the film in fast paced glorious action.

Keanu Reeves in John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum [2019]

What makes this, in my opinion, the best of the three is how deep the story goes into the mythology of the society and its irreverence of the fabled rules we've heard so much about. Seeing another international Continental location, the Russian crime syndicate that John originated from, along with some bells and whistles of the High Table are gorgeous additions to the story. The Adjudicator (Asia Kate Dillon) working for the High Table is the perfect vehicle for showcasing the wide scale of power and reach that these powerful people hold. After watching the first two films and seeing all of the services that the Continental provides, it's refreshing to watch them become more vulnerable characters after breaking rank with the High Table. Furthermore, throwing more people into the proverbial fire finally gives us the ability to see Charon (Lance Reddick) become a total badass.

As minor of a character as Charon has been in the previous films the new heights he reaches in this one are pitch perfect. Reddick's cool calmness and calculated mannerisms give some beautiful texture to the character and add great layers to the story. These movies are simply not as effective without Reddick's portrayal of Charon and his profound presence on screen and in life will be dearly missed.

On the opposite side of Charon's badassery is Winston's ideal situation. Seriously, this guy just kicks back in a safe with John's dog while The Adjudicator and High Table's forces including Zero (Mark Dacascos) are blasting the crap out of everything. If I got to pick who I would be in the John Wick world I'd pick Winston ten times out of ten. One instance I connected with Winston on a spiritual level was when, in this room with weapons covering the walls, John runs in asking for more firepower. Instead of getting up or really doing anything, Winston just gestures broadly. It felt not only sincere, but also hilarious and I'd like to think I would do something similar.

Ian McShane in John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum [2019]

Of course this brings me to another point. This is by far the funniest John Wick film. The ultra serious, bullet riddled nature of the films leaves little room for some well working humor but the trio of writers crushed it with this one! Adding in great comedic elements, including but not limited to slapstick lend some much appreciated color to a dour universe.

I think my only gripe with John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum is that I have to keep typing "Parabellum" at the end of the title. Whose idea was it to add a hyphen and a latin word when it could've just matched the other films?? Now we have, in chronological order:

John Wick John Wick: Chapter 2 John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum John Wick: Chapter 4

Like what gives man? That list could've been much more aesthetically pleasing and easier to type if you just kept with the working formula.

I guess if that's the only thing I can complain about then it must be a pretty good movie huh.


It's a damn great movie.


Beer number three in our Elysian IPA pack! Today's brew is a classic and one of the best that Elysian has to offer. The Space Dust IPA!

Space Dust is like if an ordinary run of the mill IPA got into that machine that turned skinny Chris Evans into hot hunky Captain America. It's bigger, better, sexier, and tastes great!

Ok the last one there doesn't track with my Captain America analogy but I still mean it. With a nice yellow-amber color, citrus combined with a powerful hoppy aroma make it a classic IPA. Jam packed with hoppy aroma would lead you to anticipate some powerful bitterness, but coming in at a cool 62 IBU its actually rather sweet (but not too sweet). Lastly, we have the one problem with the beer.

Much like my qualms with "Parabellum", the Space Dust IPA presents an interesting dilemma. It is delicious, refreshing, and very crushable. So much so that you can find yourself plowing through multiple in a short period of time. Truly the mark of a nice beverage.

The problem, however? This wolf in sheep's clothing boasts an 8.2% ABV that will slap your face to other side of your head if you're not careful. I have succumbed to this pitfall before and I have paid dearly. I think I once drank eight Space Dusts and proceeded to write an email to Lionsgate saying that they should add "Parabellum" to the end of the title of the third John Wick movie.